Carolyn’s Weight Loss Story

Carolyn’s Weight Loss Story

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I started the Dr Cabot Quick Loss Progam back in September 2007 weighing 104.8kg. Although I am a tall girl at 177cm I had to lose weight due to some high blood pressure I was experiencing. My Doctor had said that I had to lose a bit of weight otherwise he would have to put me on blood pressure medication and that I would be on this for the rest of my life. I did not like the sound of that so I started the QuickLoss program and in the first 12 weeks I lost 16.3kg and total of 41cm body size. I felt that I wanted to lose more weight and after completing the second 12 weeks on the QuickLoss program I lost 6.5kg and another 36.5cm in body size. (A total of 22.8kg & 77.5cm) I enjoyed the program – it was easy to stick to and I found that the ‘normal’ family meal of meat and vegetables worked so I was not having to cook two different meals. I am going to stay on the QuickLoss shake for one meal a day for a few more months and come September I may try a lose another 5kg.

Carolyn Leersen – Irymple Vic

March, 2008

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