A meal replacement can help you to detox !

A meal replacement can help you to detox !

A meal replacement can help you to detox !

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Quickloss Meal Replacement is not only delicious, it contains a patented and researched cactus fibre called Neopuntia. This fibre attracts fat particles in the intestines and carries them out of the body via the faeces. When we eliminate fat we are also eliminating fat-soluble toxins from the body, especially the toxins in foods.

Quickloss also contains Alginate (alginic acid) from sea weeds, which is a pure extract from seaweeds.

Alginate is a powerful detoxing agent, which can help rid the body of heavy metals and other toxic elements of our environment; a good way of assisting your body in ridding itself of these poisons.

Alginate also captures Mercury, reducing your body’s ability to reabsorb it, as normally occurs. Thus you will excrete more mercury.

QuickLoss powder can be mixed in water or any unsweetened milk, and is in itself a complete meal.

However we all like variety – it’s the spice of life; so here are some extra ways to vary the taste of Quickloss –

1. Add coffee powder or brewed coffee to the Quickloss and milk for café latte
2. Add fresh or frozen berries, kiwi fruit, passionfruit to the Quickloss and milk for a fruity flavour – use a blender for this one
3. Add ½ a banana to the Quickloss powder for a creamier sweeter taste –use a blender for this one
4. Add pure cocoa powder to the Quickloss and milk for a chocolate taste !
5. Add pure cocoa powder and coffee powder or brewed coffee to the Quickloss and milk for a mocha taste !
6. Add some Chia seeds, LSA or hemp seeds, and wow your bowel actions will improve out of sight. Remember the most constipating foods are bread, flour and pastries

Quickloss is designed to help you lose weight is a safe and consistent manner. The Quickloss Diet is designed to help you get into the fat burning zone with its specific food combinations (see recipes)

Quickloss is a NON GMO product and contains dairy products from Australia or New Zealand only. It is proudly made in Australia

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